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eYeka is a global community of talented creators who love to solve brands' challenges with fresh thinking, creative ideas and shareable is an online crowdsourcing and co-creation platform that allows brands to announce and conduct contests through the Internet. Companies create sets of questions, called "community briefs" or "call-for-entries", to which people can respond to by submitting visual creations
Coca-Cola, Nestlé, Danone, Unilever, P&G, Hyundai and Toyota – just some of the brands who are working with the creative crowdsourcing platform eYeka
Since 2006, eYeka held more than 860 contests and awarded more than 7 millions in cash prizes. It can definitively change a life!
The beautiful story of a Californian freelance designer, Holly McAlister "AnnaNThang". She decided to enter her first creative crowdsourcing contest after losing her San Diego ad agency design job. Her first contest was to design a new skateboard helmet, and even though she didn’t win, she said that it opened her eyes to a whole new career path. Since starting out on eYeka in 2012, she has won 46 crowdsourcing contests, with prizes totaling over $75,000. She’s just one success story in a host of others.
McAlister - DONCAFE contest
How does it work ?
- Start by answering Quick Questions from brands. You have 140 characters or an image to share your brightest idea.
- eYeka launch several new contests every week. Between the different brands, required skills, challenges and formats you will definitely find something for yourself.
- Once ready, submit your work to be presented to the Brand. You can upload as many entries per contest as you wish. Community managers will answer your questions and help you make your creation.
- About 6 weeks after the end of a contest, brands will fully review each entry and pick the winners.
Whether you are a creative looking for some fun challenges, or a brand that needs some fresh inspiration, all you have to do is go to